Darbaan narrates a heartwarming story of a master and his caretaker. Inspired from a short story written by Rabindra Nath Tagore, the film stars Sharib Hashmi, Sharad Kelkar, Flora Saini, Rasika Dugal and Harsh Chhaya. Releasing all over on April 2nd, 2020 by Reet Films
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Lootcase | Official Trailer Is Here
What if one day you find a bag full of cash? And you’re faced with a dilemma to take it or not. Would you take it? Nandan Kumar is about to witness the madness unfold when the chase begins for the #Lootcase kyuki, iss bag mein kuch kaala hai! Directed by Rajesh Krishnan Kunal Khemu as Nandan Kumar Rasika Dugal ...
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