Says a source, “Aishwarya walked out of the airport with her daughter Aaradhya and mother Brinda in tow. The actress proceeded to her car and first seated her daughter before taking a seat herself. It was then that her bodyguards got aggressive and started forcefully pushing away the media. One of the guards pushed away a cameraman so hard that he lost his balance and fell on Aishwarya’s mother who was standing behind. Aishwarya’s mother lost her balance and tumbled down on the ground hard. Blood started streaming down her mother’s face as she suffered a cut on her head.”
Seeing the commotion, Aishwarya reportedly rushed out of her car. Brinda was then helped by Aishwarya and the media personnel and they attended to her for five minutes. Aishwarya and her mother left the airport after her mother regained her composure.