6 Reasons Why Bollywood Doesn’t Need Sci-Fi Films At All

3. Teleport

You are desperately missing your loved one, who is 500 miles away from home and a phone call is not what you want. Well, desperate times call for adequate measures and what better way to surprise the love of your life than to drop in on them. Introducing the teleporter. All you have to do is think about the person you are missing, close your eyes and bam! You are cuddling up with the object of your memories. What’s more you also get a well-composed song, complete with a set of dancers who are telepathic and know exactly what steps you have in mind. And if you are really lucky you might also get to be at a place of your choice.

4. Spaced Out!

While Hollywood has established a connection with the extra-terrestrials only recently, Bollywood has always been on good terms with the space cadets. According to a treaty between the space centre and B-town, a lot of aliens visited Earth during the ’80s. Being true to their word, we integrated them in our films. Everything – right from their blingy costumes to their gravity-defying hair-dos were a tribute to our non-Earth friends.

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